5th City Council District




Eric A. Cesnik

Jessica S. Lappin

Dan Quart

George N. Spitz


George N. Spitz


Party enrolled in: Democratic

Occupation: Retired NYS auditor

Occupational background: Auditor, Department of Social Services; Tax Agent, NYS Tax Department; Reporter, Our Town, and Building Trades Reporter; Radio Mechanic, 8th Air Force World War II

Educational background: B.A. in economics and accounting, Columbia College, 1949

Organizational affiliations: Civil Service Merit Council; NY Roadrunners; Shop Steward, Editor and Delegate to Central Labor Council, Public Employee Federation; Orthodox Union, Vegetarian and Peace Groups

Prior public experience: NYS Legislature research analyst

Email: gnspitz1@msn.com

Web site: www.GeorgeSpitz.com



1. What is the most important issue in Council District 5 you would address if elected?

Stopping the Second Avenue subway. For four years I have opposed the Second Avenue subway. Digging a tunnel thru the heart of the East Side will be economically and socially disastrous. There will be dust, mounds of dirt and loud noise from heavy equipment. The MTA says it may take 17 years to complete and cost 15 billion dollars. Many businesses and sidewalk cafes will be disrupted; others will close. Instead, we should build a clean efficient above ground light rail system. Above ground light rail can be built for less money in less time. Light rail will also get rid of polluting buses. Above ground light rail cars provide for easy street level boarding. This is much safer and easier for seniors and the disabled.


2. What other important issues would you address if elected?

Contracts for governmental services have become cash cows for politically connected vendors. I will work to stop this. In the past 12 years, outside contracts have increased from 2.8 billion to 7.8 billion. Many without competitive bidding. This must stop. I believe that government services are best performed by skilled civil servants under government supervision. I will work to see that this happens. I would also work to require that the City’s pension stop investing in non-dividend stocks, speculative real estate funds and Swiss Banks. Instead, it should invest primarily in safe government grade securities. NYC lost substantial money by investing in Enron. That won’t happen on my watch!

We should restore free tuition at the City University. We need to invest in the future. The best way to do this is to invest in our youth by giving them a quality education and not burden them with substantial debt upon graduation. I will also work for appropriately crafted tuition tax credits and reject the misguided historical arguments that were really a subterfuge for anti-Catholicism and the Blaine Amendments.


3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?

I have the most experience and maturity for the job. My accounting skills and work as a government auditor sets me apart from the other candidates.


(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)


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