35th City Council District




Samuel Eric Blackwell

Letitia James


Letitia James


Party enrolled in: Working Families

Occupation: Council Member - 35th District in Bklyn

Occupational background: NYS Assemblymember Chief of Staff

Educational background: J. D., Howard University School of Law; Master of Arts Columbia School of Int’l and Public Affairs - Class of 2006

Organizational affiliations: Church Women United; Partners For Progress Dem. Club; 57th A.D. Dem. Club; Metropolitan Black Bar Assn; Lambda Indep. Dem. Club

Prior public experience: Legal Aid Atty; Assistant Atty Gen. in charge of Brooklyn Regional Office



1. What is the most important issue in Council District 35 you would address if elected?

Crisis in affordable housing and education.

Large scale over development.


Displaced public housing and low income residents.

Health care disparity.


2. What other important issues would you address if elected?

Support services for seniors and HIV/AIDS.

Capacity building for cultural and community organizations.

Child care.

Infrastructure improvements.

Developing Business Improvement Districts.

Affordable ownership opportunities for local merchant retail space.


3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?

Many of you know that I am fighting to maintain and create affordable housing in our district, which involves working with new developers to ensure they include affordable apartments in their projects as well as preserving existing affordable housing.

Additionally, I have worked on some and important legislation during the past year. Highlights include: Creating a local Earned Income Tax Credit, Requiring the Dept. of Health to have at least one nurse for every 200 students in all primary and intermediate schools; Passing the NYC Film Production Tax Credit; working on legislation to modernize the NYC fire code.


(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)


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