Council District 48
Sonya Ostrom, Green, Working Families
Party Enrolled In: Democrat
re-enrolling Green
Occupation: Teacher
Occupational Background: Brooklyn College; alternative high schools
Educational Background: BA Bard College; MA Columbia University
Organizational Affiliations:Delegate United Federation of Teachers; Peace Action
Prior Public Experience: (Not supplied.)
Under the control of the Democratic Party, the City Council has
been unresponsive to community needs. We need a voice in the City Council that truly
represents the people.
Our neighborhood councilman claimed he would protect tenants’ rights
when he was elected. Since his election, he switched his position and supported the
Democratic Party Leadership’s “Lead Paint” law. That law continues to put our
children at risk of lead poisoning so landlords can avoid cleaning up lead paint in their
buildings. I would work to change that horrible law.
We elect council members to enrich our communities, not themselves. Our
neighborhood councilman recently voted for a 28% wage hike for himself and his colleagues
while our schools and hospitals suffer. The City Council pockets our hard-earned tax
I’ve chosen to run as the Green Party candidate because, if elected, I
will be accountable to you. Many Greens across the country have been elected to their City
Councils and have effectively given power back to the community.
I will hold community meetings in which you will have the power to
advise and assist me.
The Board of Education buys milk for the school lunch program produced
with a Growth Hormone that is dangerous to our children. Canada has banned use of this
hormone yet the City Council Democratic Party Leadership has prevented a bill from passing
that would protect our children from this hazardous milk.
As Metro NY Peace Action Council President, I have years of public
service working to reduce military spending and bring tax dollars back to our communities.
In NYC we must end police brutality yet prevent crime. I support increased funding for the
Civilian Complaint Review Board and services for “at-risk” youth. Building
strong functional families will prevent crime.
We must hold City officials accountable. Elect SONYA OSTROM, GREEN PARTY
candidate (row G - right side of ballot). Give yourself a voice!
(Statement and photograph posted as supplied by the candidate.)
Not participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program
Council District 48

Michael Nelson | Concetta
DePasquale | Sonya Ostrom