NYC Campaign Finance Board Approves Matching Funds Payments to 2025 Candidates


January 15, 2024 –Today, the NYC Campaign Finance Board (CFB) voted to approve public matching funds payments totaling $5,106,485 to 9 candidates for the 2025 elections. This payment is the second payment of the 2025 election cycle. Today's payment determinations were based on corrected filings from disclosure statement #6. Payments based on disclosure statement #7, due today, will be made at the CFB's February meeting.

New York City’s matching funds program eliminates barriers to participation by providing access to resources New Yorkers in every community can use to run for office. The candidates receiving payment today have met all the requirements of the Campaign Finance Act and Board Rules, have at least one opponent, and achieved a threshold level of public support by raising small-dollar contributions from the city residents they are seeking to represent.

Please visit the CFB website to find information on the two-part threshold candidates must meet to qualify for public funds, as well as additional information on the legal requirements to qualify for public funds

The Board also voted on non-payment determinations for participating candidates who have not yet demonstrated eligibility to receive a public funds payment, as of today’s meeting. Candidates not receiving funds in today’s payment can demonstrate their eligibility for a future payment. After today, there are six additional payment dates before the primary election in June 2025, and five payment dates before the general election in November 2025. 

The table below lists all candidates who have received a public funds payment for the 2025 elections. 

NOTE: For City Council District 1, Christopher Marte received $174,800 in matching funds. The amount was stated incorrectly during this morning’s meeting, but the document of record the Board voted on and approved in executive session had the correct amount.


Candidate Office Today's Payment Total Payments to date Total Amount Raised Percent in-district Percent small donors
Mayor $2,977,758  $2,977,758  $965,779  92.8% 82.2%
Stringer, Scott  Mayor $68,552  $2,157,123  $587,416  90.4% 89.4%
Comptroller $1,234,914  $1,234,914  $517,949  76.6% 75.5%
Powers, Keith  Manhattan Borough President $0  $314,435  $126,941  61.0% 70.4%
Gibson, Vanessa  Bronx Borough President $0  $365,898  $260,842  55.7% 64.4%
Marte, Christopher † City Council (District 01) $174,800  $174,800  $54,858  53.6% 78.4%
Batchu, Sarah * † City Council (District 02) $0  $174,800  $60,082  28.1% 85.1%
Epstein, Harvey * † City Council (District 02) $0  $174,800  $49,763  46.9% 90.7%
Gordillo, Andrea * City Council (District 02) $0  $169,974  $52,056  20.2% 88.0%
Aronson, Vanessa  City Council (District 04) $0  $130,538  $39,758  45.6% 79.6%
Faith *
City Council (District 04) $0  $147,972  $40,324  64.2% 68.8%
Wetzler, Benjamin * † City Council (District 04) $0  $174,800  $37,641  28.7% 89.1%
Abreu, Shaun  City Council (District 07) $174,562  $174,562  $82,110  47.2% 73.9%
Okporo, Edafe * City Council (District 07) $0  $117,055  $27,060  33.0% 93.8%
Encarnacion, Elsie * City Council (District 08) $94,453  $94,453  $26,463  40.9% 86.9%
Cabrera, Fernando  City Council (District 14) $0  $152,950  $27,915  42.5% 95.1%
Hodge Vasquez, Bryan * City Council (District 14) $0  $96,360  $16,563  34.9% 94.8%
Sanchez, Pierina † City Council (District 14) $0  $174,800  $62,764  25.1% 87.2%
Sanchez, Justin  City Council (District 17) $0  $102,600  $27,621  27.3% 89.2%
Santana, Elvis * City Council (District 17) $76,952  $76,952  $15,329  37.8% 92.2%
Hankerson, Tyrell * City Council (District 28) $0  $82,445  $21,390  42.9% 92.1%
Hitlall, Romeo * City Council (District 28) $0  $92,606  $14,186  83.2% 96.6%
Ashman, Dion * City Council (District 35) $0  $115,748  $26,211  56.2% 72.6%
Hudson, Crystal  City Council (District 35) $129,694  $129,694  $40,985  45.6% 67.1%
Hanif, Shahana † City Council (District 39) $174,800  $174,800  $38,575  45.0% 88.0%
Kornberg, Maya * City Council (District 39) $0  $116,804  $38,375  51.1% 81.7%
Willabus, Dimple  City Council (District 46) $0  $50,928  $10,951  56.8% 91.7%
All Candidates All Offices $5,106,485  $9,950,569  $3,269,908  -

* indicates candidate has not received public funds in any previous election  

† indicates the candidate has received the maximum public funds payment  

Key to the Candidates Receiving Public Funds Payments Table:

  • Today’s Payment: The amount of public funds paid to the candidate on January 15th. 
  • Total Payments to Date: The total amount of public funds paid to the candidate for the 2025 elections. The maximum public funds payment for each election can be found here
  • Total Amount Raised: The total dollar amount raised from individual, organizational, and all other contribution sources, as of October 16th.
  • Percent In-District: The percent of the number of contributions reported from individual residents in the candidate’s council district, as of October 16th, excluding organizational and other contribution sources.
  • Percent Small Donors: The percent of aggregate contributions from individuals that totaled $250 or less (for candidates for Mayor, Public Advocate, or Comptroller), or $175 or less (for candidates for Borough President or City Council) as of October 16th, excluding organizational and other contribution sources. Aggregate contributions refer to the total dollar value of all contributions reported from a donor. For example, the aggregate contribution from a donor who made two $5 contributions is $10. 

Complete information about candidates’ fundraising and spending is available on the CFB website, through the Follow the Money Database and the Campaign Finance Summary


The table below lists candidates who are participating in the matching funds program and have filed a disclosure statement with the CFB, but have not yet demonstrated their eligibility for payment, as of today. The table also lists candidates who have declined to accept public funds in today’s payment. Explanations of the reasons for ineligibility for payment can be found in the key below.  

Candidate Office Reason(s) for Ineligibility
Adams, Eric Mayor COM
Alny, Joe Mayor THR, VAE
Aquino, Darren Mayor PFD, THR
Armstead, Eric Mayor PFD, THR, TRA, VAR, VAE, MDS
Armstrong, Claire Mayor PFD, THR, VAE, MEI
Del Valle, Von Mayor PFD, THR
Harris, John Mayor PFD, THR
Huq, Md Mayor THR, MEI
Morales, Salvador Mayor PFD, THR, TRA
Myrie, Zellnor Mayor THR
Nouinou, Fatimazohra Mayor PFD, THR
Ramos, Jessica Mayor PFD, THR, ERR
Sifontes, Stephen Mayor PFD, THR, TRA
Aquino, Angela Public Advocate SON, THR, VAR, VAE
Dolan, Martin Public Advocate PFD, SON, THR, VAR
Medina, Sarah Public Advocate PFD, SON, THR, VAE, MEI
Pieters, Austin Public Advocate PFD, SON, THR, VAR
Sun, Calvin Public Advocate PFD, SON, THR
Williams, Jumaane Public Advocate PFD, THR
Brannan, Justin Comptroller PFD, THR
Maio, Danniel Comptroller PFD, THR, ERR
Malave, Ismael Comptroller PFD, THR
Parker, Kevin Comptroller THR
Rajkumar, Jenifer Comptroller PFD, THR
Salamanca, Rafael Bronx Borough President PFD, THR
Edwards, Khari Brooklyn Borough President THR
McPhatter, Shanduke Brooklyn Borough President PFD, SON, THR
Reynoso, Antonio Brooklyn Borough President SON, THR, OUT
Grimes, Bashek Queens Borough President PFD, SON, THR
Ikezi, Henry Queens Borough President PFD, SON, THR
Richards, Donovan Queens Borough President PFD, SON, THR
Fossella, Vito Staten Island Borough President PFD, SON, THR, VAR, ERR, MEI
Coleman, Jess City Council (District 01) SON, THR
Murillo, Jason City Council (District 02) PFD, THR
Bottcher, Erik City Council (District 03) SON
Flores, Louis City Council (District 03) PFD, THR
Florczak, Lukas City Council (District 04) PFD, THR
Alayeto, Clarisa City Council (District 08) PFD, THR
Aulbach-Sidibe, Daniel City Council (District 08) PFD, THR
Lopez, Wilfredo City Council (District 08) THR
Salaam, Yusef City Council (District 09) PFD, THR, TRA, VAR, VAE
De La Rosa, Carmen City Council (District 10) PFD, SON, UNP
Dinowitz, Eric City Council (District 11) PFD, SON, THR
Riley, Kevin City Council (District 12) SON, THR
Marmorato, Kristy City Council (District 13) SON, THR, VAR, ERR
Feliz, Oswald City Council (District 15) PFD, SON, THR, OUT, UNP
Perez Jr., Freddy City Council (District 17) PFD, VAR
Farias, Amanda City Council (District 18) PFD, SON, THR, UNP
Caruso, Alexander City Council (District 19) PFD, THR
Paladino, Vickie City Council (District 19) PFD, SON, THR, VAR
Ung, Sandra City Council (District 20) PFD, SON, THR, UNP
Henriquez, Yanna City Council (District 21) PFD, THR
Monserrate, Hiram City Council (District 21) THR, VAR, VAE, ERR, MEI
Montoya, Erycka City Council (District 21) PFD, THR, VAE
Caban, Tiffany City Council (District 22) SON, THR, UNP
Lee, Linda City Council (District 23) SON, THR, UNP
Haque, Shah City Council (District 25) PFD, SON, THR, VAR, ERR, MEI
Krishnan, Shekar City Council (District 25) SON, THR
Pacheco, Ricardo City Council (District 25) SON, THR
Won, Julie City Council (District 26) PFD, SON, THR, UNP
Daniels, Vera City Council (District 27) THR
Williams, Nantasha City Council (District 27) PFD, SON, THR
LeGrand, Latoya City Council (District 28) THR
Schulman, Lynn City Council (District 29) SON
Rinaldi, Jonathan City Council (District 30) PFD, THR, VAR, VAE, ERR
Smyth, Dermot City Council (District 30) THR
Ariola, Joann City Council (District 32) SON, UNP
Restler, Lincoln City Council (District 33) SON, UNP
Gutierrez, Jennifer City Council (District 34) PFD, SON, THR, UNP
Wedderburn, Sharon City Council (District 35) PFD, THR
Osse, Chi City Council (District 36) PFD, SON, UNP
Nurse, Sandy City Council (District 37) PFD, SON, THR, UNP
Aviles, Alexa City Council (District 38) SON, THR
Saghir, Luke City Council (District 39) PFD, THR
Joseph, Rita City Council (District 40) SON
Arnwine, Dante City Council (District 41) PFD, THR
Lynch, Lawman City Council (District 41) THR
Mealy, Darlene City Council (District 41) PFD, SON, THR, VAE
Thompson, Jammel City Council (District 41) PFD, SON, THR, TRA
Zhuang, Susan City Council (District 43) SON, THR
Louis, Farah City Council (District 45) PFD, SON, THR, VAR
Narcisse, Mercedes City Council (District 46) THR
Batista, Anthony City Council (District 47) PFD, THR, TRA, VAE
Vernikov, Inna City Council (District 48) PFD, SON, THR, UNP
Hanks, Kamillah City Council (District 49) PFD, SON, THR, TRA
Carr, David City Council (District 50) PFD, SON, THR, UNP, DPF

Key to Ineligibility Reasons

  • COM: Withholding for non-compliance 
  • DPF: Declined public funds 
  • ERR: High percentage (20% or more) of documentation errors for contributions 
  • MDS: Missing disclosure statement
  • MEI: Missing employer information for 25% or more of contributions greater than $99 
  • NAC: Not actively campaigning 
  • OUT: Outstanding penalties or repayment obligations from a previous election 
  • PFD: Did not submit personal financial disclosure to COIB before the deadline
  • SON: Did not submit Statement of Need before the deadline
  • THR: Did not meet threshold 
  • TRA: Did not complete compliance training before the deadline
  • UNP: Unopposed  
  • VAE: Variance between reported and documented expenditures greater than 40%  
  • VAR: Variance between reported and documented receipts greater than 10% 
  • XPL: Exceeded expenditure limit
Candidates in the 2025 New York City elections filed their disclosures with the CFB on October 16th. The above payments are based on campaign financial data provided by this deadline. The next filing disclosure reports are due today, January 15th

The CFB provides matching funds out of the city's General Fund to qualifying candidates at a rate of $8 for every $1 received from New York City residents, up to the first $175 for donations to City Council candidates and $250 for citywide offices.

To qualify for matching funds, candidates must demonstrate support from within their communities by meeting a two-part fundraising threshold and abide by the other requirements set in the Campaign Finance Act. For instance, to qualify for public funding in City Council races, candidates must raise at least $5,000 from city residents. Only the first $175 contributed per city resident counts towards meeting the threshold. Additionally, City Council candidates must receive at least 75 contributions from residents of the district where they are running. Candidates also must comply with all program rules, including individual contribution limits and a prohibition on collecting contributions from corporations, limited liability companies, and partnerships.

The CFB's Candidate Services staff offers candidates extensive support by providing access to trainings, resources, and one-on-one guidance to help campaigns navigate their disclosure requirements and compliance obligations. For the 2025 elections, the agency published a detailed guidance documents with the payment schedule, requirements, and applicable deadlines for candidates to follow.

More information about the candidates' campaign finance data is available on the CFB website in the Campaign Finance Summary portal. Individual contributions, campaign spending, intermediaries, and independent PAC expenditures are available in the CFB's Follow the Money database.
