Independence Green
Party Enrolled
In: Democratic
Vice President, New York Studios.
Occupational Background:
Labor Organizer; currently oversees construction
of a $120 million movie studios project in NYC.
Educational Background:
Brooklyn College, CUNY; U.S. Army
Affiliations: 318 Restaurant Workers Union;
National Mobilization Against Sweatshops; Lower
Manhattan Anti-Displacement Coalition; Chinese Staff
& Workers Association
Prior Public Experience:
Civic Leader; Community Board
Help us seize the
opportunity to challenge business-as-usual in the
City Council elections this year. Kwong is an unusual
candidate. He is a person of Principles,
Perseverance, and Results.
The oldest of seven children in an immigrant family,
Kwong saw his mother slave in sweatshops to raise
the family. He knows our daily struggles to hold
onto our jobs, make the rent, educate and keep our
children, parents and grandparents healthy. Those
struggles tore apart his family forcing Kwong onto
the streets and into the military. After serving
in the U.S. Army, Kwong studied at CUNY. There he
fought to ensure that education remains accessible
to women, minorities, and the poor.
Over the last decade Kwong fought the community’s
worst elements: gangs, sweatshop bosses, unscrupulous
developers, and corrupt officials. Despite death
threats, bribe offers, and firebombing of his office
in 1996, Kwong persevered and won historic results.
Unlike other candidates, Kwong has an unmatched
record (www.KwongHui2001.com):
- Defeated Giuliani’s plan to build the state’s
largest Off-Track Betting gambling parlor in
District 1
- Fought rent gouging developments aimed to
displace local residents
- Won over $2 million for sweatshop workers
in Lower Manhattan (Including garment workers
at Kathy Lee Gifford’s contractors)
- Secured hundreds of construction jobs for
women and minority workers
- Compelled the state legislature to raise
minimum wage for all tips-earning employees
- Succeeded in reforming a NYC School Board
In a city that evicted 122,000 tenants last year,
we need someone like Kwong who will stop the wholesale
displacement of our community. Support Kwong
to continue to do what is right and what matters
for us. 212-791-7275.
“As your candidate for City Council District
One, I seek more than your vote, I want to win your
- Kwong Hui -
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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