Party Enrolled
In: Conservative
Occupational Background:
Asst Dist Atty, Bronx Cty; Former Insurance Defense Counsel. Current Private Practice; Criminal Defense/Personal Injury
Educational Background:
BA, Fordham University, Philosophy/Political
Science; JD, Pace University School of Law
Affiliations: Chairman, Law Committee, Bronx
County Conservative Party
Prior Public Experience:
(Not supplied.)
As a life-long resident of the Bronx,
having been born at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital on
233rd Street, I believe that I am fully familiar
with the challenges which face our borough in
general, and the 13th Council District in
As an Assistant District Attorney under Mario
Merola, I fought crime and protected people’s
rights. Now, as a Criminal Defense lawyer, I am
still fighting to protect citizen’s rights. I
would fight just as hard to protect the rights of
my constituents.
One of the biggest problems facing the 13th
District is the spread of “Hot Sheet” motels.
Recently, these crime-ridden eye sores have been
appearing in residential neighborhoods, including
Morris Park, a strong, family-oriented area. The
impact on property values, not to mention the
spread of prostitution, has been largely negative.
Yet my opponent has done absolutely nothing about
this problem!
I believe it to be my first priority, if elected,
to seek stricter zoning to prevent the building of
“Hot Sheet” motels in largely residential areas.
Another problem facing the District is the
prevalence of motorists who exceed the speed limit
on residential, or “side” streets. The police
should be enforcing the traffic rules more
strictly, but lets face the facts, the Police are
busy with more pressing law enforcement matters.
This situation exists because the local Precinct,
the 45th, is seriously undermanned, and covers one
of the largest areas in the City. A new Precinct
should be formed from the northern part of the
current Precinct territory, that is, Co-Op City,
City Island and Orchard Beach. This would give the
Police the Manpower they require to properly
protect the citizens of the District.
If elected, I will fight to secure the funding
necessary to guarantee that the Police are not
spread too thin to provide the protection the
District needs and deserves.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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