Party Enrolled
In: Democratic
Member, NYC Council; Chair, Council Finance Committee
Occupational Background:
26 years in elected office (current); Attorney
Educational Background:
JD, NY Law School; BA—Government, Long Island University
Affiliations: Brooklyn Academy of Music; Brooklyn
Botanic Garden; LARCs, assisting developmentally
disabled adults (formerly).
Prior Public Experience:
See above.
Herb Berman is a progressive
Democrat with strong values, clear vision, and unequaled
experience managing the city’s money. As Chair
of the City Council Finance Committee, Berman
- stood up to the Administration’s budget cuts
- protected Democratic priorities
- delivered 12 straight balanced, compassionate
- cut taxes and wasteful spending
- managed the city’s money wisely.
As the City Council’s Finance Chair, Berman has
successfully fought the Administration’s budget
cuts — protecting funds for schools, seniors,
housing, hospitals, libraries, cultural institutions,
and programs to improve race relations.
Berman has uncovered wasteful spending in city government,
exposing bad management at the Board of Education
and other poorly managed agencies.
And Herb Berman knows that every person in New York
City deserves tax relief. That’s why he worked to
eliminate the sales tax on clothing and cut personal
income taxes.
The Comptroller invests billions of dollars for
New York City and its citizens. It’s no place for
beginners. Herb Berman is a progressive with an
unequaled track record of managing money, delivering
balanced budgets, and igniting economic success
for citizens across the entire city.
As the City Council’s Finance Chair for 12 years
— where he manages a $40 billion budget — Herb Berman
helped New York prosper. As Comptroller, Berman
will continue to be an activist. He’ll increase
audits of city agencies and uncover wasteful spending...lift
up our schools and hold down our taxes...protect
Democratic values and bring our city together...increase
our prosperity and make sure every city employee
has a pension and never misses a pension check.
Herb Berman has the depth of experience, progressive
values and financial savvy New York needs. Let’s
profit from his experience - so that we have
the money for the things that really matter.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC
Campaign Finance Program.
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