Currently, the majority of New York City
residents are poor or struggling day to day to pay
their bills, and issues of trust and respect
exists between Police and the citizens, many
school children are studying from out dated
textbooks in over-crowded schools, and
transportation issues continue to rise at the same
rate as environmental dangers:
As Mayor, I Would Enforce:
More Affordable Rents for Residents and Small
Businesses, Housing Reforms, Properly Coded
Improved Relations between the Police and the
Citizens They Serve
Educational Policies That Meets the Needs of New
York City School Children and their Parents
Higher Salaries for Teachers, Police Officers and
Firefighters, City Workers
Equal Rights and Representation for All New
Yorker’s Regardless of Race, Religion, Creed,
Sexual Orientation or Economic Standing
Protective Services and Extended Benefits for the
Senior Citizens of New York City
Reforms in Environmental Laws, Transportation, &
Cleaner Streets
More Equitable Penalties on Crimes
Together, We Can Bring About Change.
Kenneth attended The United States Naval Academy,
was in the top 25% of his class and the top 1% in
his major, Political Science. During his final
year, Kenneth developed viral pneumonia and due to
ensuing complications, he was honorably
discharged. Kenneth then graduated from The
University of Virginia with a B.A. in American
Government. In 1995, Kenneth, with his brother,
opened Snapper-Bear Studios and the Golding
Gallery in Manhattan. As President and CEO,
Kenneth takes pride in being an efficient and
honest businessman.
By uniting and working together as one people with
a common goal to make a better tomorrow for all
regardless of party affiliation, I believe, we can
bring about the type of positive changes necessary
to restore New York City as the home of The
American Dream.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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