1. What is the most important issue in Council District 4 you would address if elected?
*Land Use: Linking restoration of the East Side infrastructure and Con Ed site with amenities and school construction is a hedge against overdevelopment. To offset congestion, the Council must ensure compliance with zoning resolutions; apply innovation; re-route trucks, perform green arrow and environmental impact studies; keep rent regulations intact and include converted housing, such as Mitchell-Lama, in the stabilization program.
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
*Education: Our most pressing need is to get back in human capital what we pay in dollars. Manhattan School District 9 could be subdivided and made coterminous with smaller catchment areas, such as council or community board districts. – Create a few new neighborhood high schools with smaller classes. Only 28 of 179 schools are exempt from the new math and reading requirements and omit electives including art, music, gym and computer labs. – Put electives back; add CUNY curriculum exchange options.
*Individuals on Fixed and Limited Incomes: Raise benefit income ceilings; housing (SCRIE, SCHE, VA, STAR); drugs (EPIC), investigate the disparity in prices for same brand products; improve meals and classes at senior centers.
*A "Wireless City": Utility regulation is federal but large cities have gone local, providing subsidies for internet access in schools and public spaces.
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
My many years of experience in the arena of public policy equip me with the ability to set priorities and avert conflicts of interest. My unilateral support and persistence on behalf of District 4 constituents will make me an effective legislator. Your input is crucial.
(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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