



Christopher Xavier Brodeur

Fernando Ferrer

C. Virginia Fields

Gifford Miller

Arthur Piccolo*

Anthony David Weiner

Christopher Xavier Brodeur


Party enrolled in: Democratic

Occupation: govt watchdog, investigative journalist

Occupational background: writer for NYPress and more

Educational background: n/a

Organizational affiliations: n/a

Prior public experience: exposing govt and media corruption





1. What is the most important issue in the city you would address if elected?

NYC is a mess and we can’t fix the symptoms – failing schools, potholes, the MTA, Con Ed, trash, graffiti, crime, etc – unless we FIRST fix our totally broken govt and I’m the ONLY candidate who guarantees in writing to fix City Hall or else I, and the City Council, don’t get paid. The other candidates have already proven they can’t get the job done and they don’t care about taxpayers. (Just look at how hard Bloomberg tried to fix the MTA!) (He went to Bermuda instead.) And I am the ONLY candidate who has a comprehensive and practical plan to fix nearly every problem in NYC you can name, from outlawing all lies and deceptive statements by politicians to outlawing any and all fiscal waste of our taxdollars. (EX: Mike pays his dishonest press staff FIVE TIMES more than he pays teachers and cops!). (EX: I’m the only candidate who promises to rescind the illegal 50% and 75% pay raises Giuliani gave himself and the City Council.) Look at my 100 INNOVATIONS FOR NYC and compare it with Bloomberg and Ferrer’s non-existent “plans”. They promise to not solve 99% of NYC’s problems and they promise no accountability. YOU are the boss of City Hall – NOT Tax Hike Mike – and I’m the only candidate who promises to put YOU in charge via referendums on most major issues (like the stupid Freedom Tower, the Jets/Nets stadium scams, Nascar, Snapple, politicians’ huge pay raises and more). All of my opponents promise to NOT listen to you and I think that’s corrupt and anti-democratic.


2. What other important issues would you address if elected?

There is no issue I WOULDN’T address, because I won’t be marching in parades and cutting ribbons, which is most of what Ferrer and Bloomberg do. And I intend to change the laws so NO POLITICIAN can ever again hold office without serving you and fixing problems. A carpenter who doesn’t do the job doesn’t get paid, and we must make the same standard for lazy politicians.


3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?

We gave Mike 4 years and he failed us miserably and broke most of his promises (to not raise taxes; to not use taxes on stadiums; to reform City Hall, etc). Ditto the other stereotypical candidates. As the smartest candidate with the most integrity and the best ideas, I’m the ONLY candidate who can fix NYC and the voters want NEW IDEAS and NEW LEADERSHIP. We’ve tried politics as usual forever and it failed. Give me four years to fix City Hall and let’s stop this broken record once and for all. Please visit for all the details. And let’s fire Bloomberg!


(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)


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