2014 Voter Guide

Additional Resources

NYC Votes Mobile App

The NYC Votes mobile app is on a mission to revolutionize the electoral process for New York City voters and candidates and along with the Voter Guide and Debate Program, is part of the CFB’s NYC Votes campaign to engage New York City voters. Access it from your smartphone or tablet at nycvotes.org for election info on the go.

Who's on the Ballot

Who's on the Ballot (whosontheballot.org) is a quick and easy to use website and mobile app that provides New York City citizens the location of polling places, information on candidates, sample ballots, and voter registration information.

Vote 411

Launched by the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) in October of 2006, VOTE411.org is a "one-stop-shop" for election-related information that provides both general and state-specific nonpartisan information to the public.

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