Party Enrolled
In: Republican
Sales, Magazine/Catalog Papers, Lindenmeyr Central,
Purchase, NY
Occupational Background:
19 years in paper industry, Sales/Sales Management
in Publication/Printing Papers. Alling and Cory,
SD Warren.
Educational Background:
M.B.A., Columbia University; B.A., Davidson College,
History Major
Affiliations: President, 19th Precinct Community
Council; Co - Chair, Street Life Committee, Former
Co - Chair, Public Safety Committee, Member, Housing
Committee, Community Board 8; Former Editor of Neighborhood
Prior Public Experience:
Community Board 8 Member since 1997.
I am
a moderate, pro-choice Republican, a member of Republicans
for Environmental Protection, a supporter of domestic
partnership benefits and full insurance coverage
for women’s health issues. I support vigorous tenant
protection laws. Senator Roy M. Goodman and Assemblyman
John Ravitz endorse my candidacy.
My campaign revolves around three themes; Accountability,
Reform and Service to the Community.
City government should be held accountable for every
service it delivers, with measurable goals for each
agency. In our education system, I support measures
that shift control away from the Board of Education
toward individual schools. I am a strong supporter
of Charter Schools and putting the Board of Education
under the control of the Mayor.
The City Council should focus on better city government
rather than pursuing disparate political agendas.
I will use my business background to reform the
way New York City regulates its businesses in order
to maximize economic growth.
I will build on the achievements of the Giuliani
Administration, especially in the area of crime
reduction. I have developed an excellent relationship
with the NYPD and will continue to work on important
issues such as problem bars and dangerous bicycles.
I take a “roll-up the sleeves” approach to solving
problems. My 4-½ years of community experience has
taught me how to work with city agencies to fix
problems. As a member of the Community Board I have
worked with other community leaders and will not
need a learning curve as a public official.
I will work to improve the areas of government that
need it; I already work with the police, understand
the needs and problems of the community and will
follow through to the end.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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