Can’t identify with either major party?
You’re socially tolerant, supporting abortion
rights, gay rights, freedom of expression, ending
the insane war on drugs, and for other civil
liberties. At the same time, you’re fiscally
conservative - feeling that taxes are way out of
control, government is bloated and its waste
widespread, and it’s usually the
politically-connected that government serves.
You need not feel politically homeless ever again.
If you’re opposed to the government’s war on
people (otherwise known as the war on drugs), then
you have more in common with Libertarians than
with “Demoblicans”. The LP is the only party on
the political landscape calling for a complete and
immediate end to the war on drugs. Libertarians
recognize that the drug war is akin to
government’s failed effort to prohibit alcohol
decades ago. The result? Peaceful adults who harm
no one else locked in prison; a black market
breeding crime, violence, overdoses and disease;
increased taxes to pay for this failed effort;
government corruption; criminal justice resources
diverted; poor and minorities suffering
disproportionately; medicinal-marijuana use
If you’re fed up with obscene levels of taxation
(otherwise known as robbery), then you’re more
attuned to Libertarians than “Republicrats”. The
LP is the only party around calling for drastic
reductions in the size and cost of government.
Libertarians recognize that working Americans
today ultimately pay over 50% of their income to
some form of taxation. Yet, consider that in 1910,
before today’s inefficient, intrusive nanny-state
took hold, working Americans paid about 5% of
their income toward taxes, and all of the proper
and necessary governmental duties functioned just
fine. Most of the money we pay to government is
not for “services” - instead it’s to redistribute
wealth from the politically-unconnected to the
politically-connected to keep the politicians in
power. It’s a scam going on far too long.
The Libertarian Party philosophy defines
tolerant / fiscally conservative”.
Come join us. And help end the corrupt two-party
vise-grip on politics in NYC.
For more...
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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