Democratic Liberal Working Families
Party Enrolled
In: Democrat
Occupation: Attorney,
Investment Banker
Occupational Background:
1980-1983 Private Law Practice, 1983-1987(see Prior
Public experience) 1987-2000 VP, Senior VP and Managing
Director in Public Finance for four Wall Street
Firms. 1997-2000 Chairman- Securities Industry Association,
NY District. 2000 - 2001 Private Law Private Law
Educational Background:
Jamaica High School; SUNY Albany, B.A. Cum Laude;
Hofstra U. School of Law_J.D.
Affiliations: Treasurer- N.E. Queens Jewish
Community council; Board Member- Greater Jamaica
Development Corp., Citizens Budget Commission, American
Jewish Congress, Metropolitan Coordinating Council
on Jewish Poverty, Transitional Services for NY,
Inc, National Conference for Community & Justice,
Holliswood Civic Association, Queens Jewish Community
Prior Public Experience:
1983-1987 Deputy Superintendant of Banks for NYS
& Secretary NY Banking Board., Democratic District
Leader-24th AD_Part A, Executive Member- Saul Weprin
Democratic Club, Former Member- NYC Tax Reform Task
CD #23 which includes both SD #26 and
SD #29, needs more schools. We need to keep class
sizes at 20 or less students. Although SD #26
is the best in the city, it needs more enrichment
programs in order to maintain its standing. NYC
must pay teachers more in order to keep them in
the city. I would put my financial expertise to
work in finding budgetary solutions to help our
schools get the funding it needs.
We need to provide better services to our seniors.
Our neighborhoods need more community policing.
Sanitation and fire departments are crucial to
our neighborhoods.
The Building Department needs a complete overhaul
and better-qualified and trained inspectors must
be hired to stop the proliferation of single-family
dwellings turning into multiple family dwellings.
All buildings inspectors should be licensed professionals.
I have the endorsement of most Queens elected
officials including Members of Congress Ackerman,
Meeks and Lowey, comptroller Carl McCall, A.G.
Elliot Spitzer, and Borough President Claire Shulman.
I have the endorsement of the UFT, 1199, CWA and
many other unions and the Working Families and
Liberal parties.
I have the best combination of community service
and expertise in finance to make sure that District
#23 gets its fair share of NYC’s $39.7 billion
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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