Right to Life
Party Enrolled
In: Republican
Retired city employee and retired minister
Occupational Background:
Housing Assistant, New York City Housing Authority;
Senior Investigator, Finance Administration, City of
New York; Detective-Investigator, Queens County
District Attorney’s Office; Corporation Secretary
and Director of Trust Services, Greater New York
Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists; Pastor at
various Seventh-day Adventist Churches in the
Greater New York area; Realtor, Goller & Costi
Realty, Inc.
Educational Background:
B.A., Social Sciences, Pace College; New York Law
School; B.A. Religion, Atlantic Union College.
Affiliations: Queens American Legion County
Committee; Chaplain, Post 301, Queens Village;
Member of the Board of the Rocky Hill Civic
Association; Member, Board of Trustees, Queens
Village Republican Club.
Prior Public Experience:
Marshal of the City of New York (Mayoral Appointment
by John V. Lindsay)
It is my desire to prevent the undoing of
nearly eight years of a successful mayoralty in
New York City. After years of cutting taxes,
increasing business and crime prevention in our
city, I will fight to preserve and protect the
gains that we have made.
Early this year, in January 2001, Judge Leland
DeGrasse found that the state school aid formula
is unconstitutional because it deprives students
of a “sound basic education.” School funding is
the joint responsibility of local districts; in
our case the City, and the State. I will work with
our Republican Governor and Republican State
Senate, particularly Senator Frank Padavan. We
must enlist our Republican administration in
Washington, D.C. to help the City of New York, and
other districts with large immigrant populations,
meet additional needs of students who are recent
arrivals in this country.
It is a fact that New York City, on average,
spends $1,150 less per student than the average
school district in New York State. As a City
Councilman, I will strive to bring up the
expenditure to parity with the State average.
My candidacy has been endorsed by the Queens
County Republican Party, the county Independence
Party, the county Conservative Party, and the
county Right To Life Party. Local endorsements
include the Queens Village Republican Club, the
Bayside Republican Club, South Queens Republican
Club, Bayside Conservative Club, and the Young
American Conservatives.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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