Working Families
Party Enrolled
In: Democrat
Occupation: Chief
Administrative Officer, Queens Borough President
Occupational Background:
Legislative Aide, Assemblywoman Nettie Mayersohn;
Queens Regional Representative, Governor Mario Cuomo
Educational Background:
B.A. Economics and History, Binghamton University
Affiliations: Stevenson Regular Democratic Club;
Torah Center of Hillcrest; Flushing Heights Civic
Association; Electchester Athletic Association
Prior Public Experience:
Democratic District Leader, 27th Assembly District, Part A
This year the people
of the 24th Councilmanic District will elect their
first new council member in 30 years. As a lifelong
resident of this community I am running to ensure
that the gains we have made in recent years in public
safety are protected and that we continue to reduce
crime and make our streets safer while also addressing
quality of life matters. I will also work to make
certain that every child in our community has a
seat in a school where learning in a safe and secure
environment is the top priority. At the same time
I will work to secure additional services for the
youngest members of our society as well as those
in their older years.
For the past 10 years, working hand in hand with
Borough President Claire Shulman as her Chief
Administrative Officer, I have learned how government
works and, more importantly, how to get it to
work for the people of the 24th District. Previously,
I served as Queens Regional Representative for
Governor Mario Cuomo and as a legislative aide
to Assemblywoman Nettie Mayersohn. I am proud
to have Claire Shulman’s endorsement as well Morton
Povman, the incumbent councilman, and Assemblywoman
Nettie Mayersohn. I have also been endorsed by
Comptroller Alan Hevesi, Congressmen Gary Ackerman,
City Council Members Karen Koslowitz and Thomas
White, Assembly Members Mark Weprin, Michael Cohen,
Vivian Cook, Michael Gianaris and Catherine Nolan,
State Senators Toby Ann Stavisky and Daniel Hevesi,
and former Member of Assembly Melinda Katz. I
have also been endorsed by Local 1199, SEIU.
I am proud to have been honored for my work by
the Bnos Malka Academy, the Southeast Queens Community
Partnership and the Stevenson Regular Democratic
Club. I reside in Hillcrest with my wife Debra
and our son David.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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