Party Enrolled
In: Democratic Party
Agent/ Register Representive Insurance Broker.
Occupational Background:
20 years with New York Life Ins. Co as an Agent/Reg
Rep in the Insurance Business Also Property &
Casualty Business since 1983; Independent office
in Richmond Hill, N.Y. Variety of Other Business
Educational Background:
LUTCF. Business Management Certificate; Diploma,
Affiliations: NAIFA - Brooklyn Branch - Legislative
Chair; Former V/P Republican Club.
Prior Public Experience:
(1) Ran for the NYC School Board #28 in 1996
(2) For the State Assembly District 32 in 1996 (3)
Also for the NYC Council District #28 in 1997.
I believe that there is tremendous
room for improvement in all of our lives, personally
& community. I am an honest, hardworking &
a concerned citizen, who has a burning desire
for justice, fairness, & equality for all
its citizens.
I am running on a mission for the NYC School System
as my primary issue. Smaller class room adequate
facilities stop overcrowding, and safety in all
schools. My other issues, are to see that all
city services is offered fairly & squarely,
in my district, the elders, & etc. Which is
too much to list here.
Housing is a major concern in my community, over
the past 15 years hundreds of million of dollars
has been spent in this neighborhood, which has
transend a new look, almost every home is own
by my community people. The average investment
of an individual is in excess of $200,000 with
a purchase price, fix up cost, capital investment
& etc. I am sure if a survey is done, to the
cost & investment that no other section in
NY has spend that much & convert a section
of Queens as my district, yet we seem to be the
eye of the target with, the building Dept, issues
Summons at Phenominal cost, Attorney cost, and,
finally has to break up their Property to correct
the situation to clean the violation. There is
need to put a stop to this, and issue a moratorium.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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