Democratic Liberal
Party Enrolled In:
Occupation: New York
City Councilman
Occupational Background:
United States Air Force; Sales Manager/food
manufacturer; Teacher and addiction counselor
Educational Background:
Bachelor of Science (Education) University of
Memphis, 1972
Organizational Affiliations:
Vietnam Veterans of America, JewishWarVeterans,
American Legion, Knights of Pythias, B’nai Brith,
Ocean Avenue Jewish Center, and the Holocaust
Memorial Committee.
Prior Public Experience:
1994-1999, Chief of Staff, State Senator Carl
Kruger. 1986-1994, Director of Community Relations,
(then) Congressman Charles Schumer. 1985-1986,
Volunteer, (then) State Senator Don Halperin.
1985-1986, Volunteer “family mediator”, Youth Dares.
Michael Nelson, pro-active, hands-on,
tireless councilman works to preserve what is good
while seeking improvements, which will make our
community an even better place to live. His
full-time, full-staffed District Office is always
available to assist constituents.
To improve the quality of life, Councilman Nelson
has secured funds for graffiti clean up, including
a “high tech” graffiti removal truck. Nelson
obtained funds for a new park, major renovations
of several parks throughout his district, and a
Mobile Recreation Unit. The Councilman
successfully opposed attempts to reduce library
services and obtained nearly four million dollars
for the restoration of the Kings Highway Library
(handicapped accessible when completed).
Nelson, a strong advocate for tenants, has opposed
unfair rent increases, while pushing for
increasing the SCRIE, SCHE, and Handicapped income
A member of the Education Committee, Nelson made
classroom discipline a top priority, introduced
legislation requiring bus service for children
through grade eight, 2-way radios on school buses
for emergencies, and the installation of seat
belts. Nelson secured funds for state-of-the-art
computer centers in local schools and backed
increases to make teacher salaries competitive
with surrounding communities.
As a member of the Aging Committee, and the Chair
of the Subcommittee on Senior Centers, Nelson has
fought for important new services including
Promise (reimbursing seniors for EPIC
pharmaceutical cost deductibles), Social Workers
in Senior Centers, transportation options, a
Weekend Meal and the Handyman Program.
Mike Nelson will continue giving you a strong
voice in City government and assisting you with
your individual concerns.
Councilman Michael Nelson...on the job!
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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