9th City Council District




William A. Allen*

Rodney L. Carroll

Yasmin H. Cornelius

Inez Dickens

Cynthia Doty

Woody Henderson

I. Ronnie Holly*

Virginia M. Montague

Woody Henderson


Party enrolled in: Democratic

Occupation: Independent Consultant & Political Activist

Occupational background: Woody is the founder and President of the Organization for Reunification & Rehabilitation of Children & Families. He served as an aide to Rev Al Sharpton and as President of the NY Chapter of the National Action Network, a Court Appointed Special Advocate, Vice-President of the PS-9 PTA, Co-Chair of the Columbus House Tenants Association, as well as Co-Chair of the Social Action Commission at Cannan Baptist Church of Christ. He has produced and hosted a weekly cable TV program called “A Struggle for Justice.”

Educational background: After High School Woody entered Washburn Trade School completing an apprenticeship program in the building trades. He also studied theater at the Ted Liss School of Performing Arts and studied film making at the New School of Social Research before teaching a course on political humor at Malcolm King College.

Organizational affiliations: National Action Network, National Newspapers Publishers Association

Prior public experience: Community Advocate, Organizer and Public Speaker, Host and MC at Apollo Theater, & commentator for TV talk show

Email: CEWH2005@AOL.COM




1. What is the most important issue in Council District 9 you would address if elected?

Reforming the failing child welfare system, family courts and foster care, which negatively impacts 1 in 4 children in central Harlem and is even more devastating to our community than police brutality.


2. What other important issues would you address if elected?

Education and unemployment of course, but also, create affordable housing by using abandon properties, and imminent domain to secure city-controlled property and properties owned by institutions and individuals that have remained undeveloped and abandon for decades. Our community has lost revenues and opportunities to grow because these institutions and wealthy developers that have no commitment to District 9 are allowed to warehouse these properties.


3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?

I am an experienced, independent, qualified advocate. My commitment, concern, and genuine care for children, their needs and their future is beyond approach. I’ve been on the front lines of major issues fighting for justice in areas that enhance the quality of life for the people of District 9. My experience negotiating on behalf of workers who were being discriminated against, bringing their unions and employers, to the table to reach settlements that would not only provide restitution for the victims but also solutions that would pave the way for future employees to enjoy a more just working environment. I’ve written resolutions on child welfare that were introduced on behalf of District 9 and others that over 20 members of the City Council endorsed and adopted. So, I’m an excellent candidate because I’m already doing the work.


(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)


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