Party Enrolled
In: Green
Information Technology Manager
Occupational Background:
College English Teacher, I.T. Worker
Educational Background:
M.A., Virginia Commonwealth University; B.A., College of William and Mary
Affiliations: (Not supplied.)
Prior Public Experience:
(Not supplied.)
Many people have lost their faith in
government as a positive force in society. This is
understandable. Corporate power runs Manhattan. We
have been tricked into believing we must bend over
backwards to accommodate big business interests
(the $1,100,000,000 giveaway to the NYSE is only
one example of this), rather than questioning
their behavior towards us. As our politicians kow-tow
to corporations, and speak to us as if we were
tiny children, it is easy to forget that the
purpose of government is to enact the will of its
This need not be. Manhattan can be a beacon to the
state, the country, and the world in a new way -
as an example of how best to serve a large and
diverse population. The principles of social,
economic, and environmental justice articulated by
the Green Party are the best way to achieve this.
As Manhattan Borough President, I will approach my
duties in a way that strives for progress towards
a better society. This means fighting for the
repeal of the unjust, inhumane and racist
Rockefeller Drug Laws, as just the first step
towards emphasizing treatment over incarceration
for drug users. We must also abolish the death
penalty and end racial profiling.
New York should be the Environmental Capital of
the World. Beyond ending unnecessary spraying
campaigns and protecting parks and community
gardens, this means mandatory recycling for
businesses, an emphasis on not generating so much
waste in the first place, and holding our utility
companies accountable to the communities in which
they reside.
We need a minimum wage that is a living wage,
legal recognition of same-sex marriages, support
for community-based radio (and support for the
embattled WBAI), a salary for teachers reflecting
the importance of their jobs, free public
restrooms, benches at bus stops, support for
alternatives to automobile traffic in the city. My
actions will reflect these values. My appointments
will reflect the immensely diverse population of
Manhattan. Please visit www.MikeForManhattan.org.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Not participating in the NYC
Campaign Finance Program.
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