Party Enrolled
In: Liberal Party
Professor of Accounting, Queens College-CUNY
Occupational Background:
Executive, CPA, Computer Programmer, Iron Worker, and Marine
Educational Background:
BBA, MBA, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Major - Accounting
Affiliations: Professional Staff Congress
(AFL-CIO), Gold Star Post-American Legion, NAACP,
American Accounting Association, Institute of
Management Accountants, and Richmond County Liberal
Prior Public Experience:
Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, NYC
Economic Development Corporation. Forward observer,
12th Marine Regiment, Vietnam.
I will work with you
and for you to restore meaningful political
leadership to Staten Island. The Borough President
must provide a vision for Richmond County, advocacy
throughout the complex City, State and Federal
bureaucracy for issues affecting that vision, and
leadership toward realizing that vision. I already
have an insider’s understanding of our city and
state government and a proven ability to get things
Our vision must be to move Staten Island closer to
achieving its potential. Sure, terrible mistakes
have been made, with resultant inadequacies in
transportation and education that must be corrected,
always balancing growth with service needs. But
there are other vital issues that need our urgent
attention, as well: housing, public safety, health
care and the environment! The Borough President
needs to consistently and courageously use the
“Bully Pulpit” to address the legitimate concerns of
all, within our ethnically, religiously and
culturally diverse population. Having friends in
City Hall and the State’s and Nation’s Capitol is
only meaningful to Staten Islanders if those
relationships are challenged and, sometimes, even
strained to assure our fair share of the resources
necessary to improve all of our lives.
We will really re-open Borough Hall to make it “The
People’s Hall” but it must be more than just a place
to gripe, it will be the center where, along with
all of you, we will establish and track performance
measurements for all vital areas of concern. Also,
we will coordinate with the Community Boards to
provide another avenue for meaningful two-way
communication with the neighborhoods. We will be a
proactive administration, using all the tools at our
disposal to anticipate and plan instead of having to
react and, so often in the past, undo.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC
Campaign Finance Program.
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