Party Enrolled
In: Republican
N.Y.S. Assemblyman/ Attorney at Law
Occupational Background:
Assistant Minority Leader, N.Y.S. Assembly;
Maintains law practice in Staten Island and Manhattan
Educational Background:
L.L.M.., New York University Graduate School of
Law; J.D., NYU School of Law; B.A., Wagner College
(cum laude)
Affiliations: Richmond County Bar Association;
Boy Scouts of America- eagle scout Board member,
American Legislative Exchange Council, serving on
Task Force on Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources;
Board Member, Conference of World Regions, serving
as chairman of Task Force on International Finance,
Investment and Trade
Prior Public Experience:
Counsel to N.Y.S. Senator John Marchi from 1963
to 1980; Member of the N.Y.S. Assembly since 1981;
Chairman of Community Board #2
There is no more important
office for Staten Island than Borough President.
Working with officials at every level of government
as Staten Island’s Chief Executive, lobbyist, spokesman,
innovator and leader, the next Borough President
must govern through cooperation, not confrontation.
For 21 years, I have represented the people of Staten
Island in the State Assembly, fighting for more
education dollars, safer schools, tougher crime
measures, greater environmental protection, and
lower taxes, tolls and transit fares. I have also
sponsored new State laws for our Borough, including
the School Construction law, the Landfill Closure
Law, the Secession Referendum Law, and the Verrazano
Toll Discount Law.
While I am grateful to have shared in the legislative
successes that continue to make Staten Island an
attractive place to live, our governmental accomplishments
bring even greater responsibilities, especially
controlling overdevelopment, easing traffic and
congestion, and insuring sufficient capacity of
our schools and recreational facilities for our
It is also time to make responsible revisions to
our outdated Zoning Resolution that will decentralize
zoning and planning, and empower local communities
with meaningful and binding land use decisions.
As hard-working men and women continue to move here
to make a better life for themselves and their families,
I pledge to my neighbors, old and new, that my administration
will serve all the people, and working together,
we shall meet these challenges for New York’s fastest
growing county and make it an even better place
for all of us.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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Campaign Finance Program.
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