2021T Transition & Inauguration Entity (TIE)
Newly elected candidates who wish to raise or spend funds for their transition and/or inauguration into office must create and register a TIE with the CFB before commencing any financial activity (see Board Rules 13-01(a)-(d)). TIEs must disclose all donations and expenditures in the disclosure statement due immediately after they are received/incurred using C-SMART. A TIE that fails to comply with the disclosure statement requirements may be subject to financial penalties (see Board Rule 10-03). All official CFB notices will be sent electronically via the CFB Portal. For more information and compliance requirements, review the TIE webpage and Chapter 9 of the Campaign Finance Handbook.
Statement Number* | Filing Deadlines | Disclosure Periods |
1 | December 7, 2021 | First financial activity -> Nov. 30th |
2 | January 7, 2022 | December 1– December 31 |
3 | February 7, 2022 | January 1–January 31 |
4 | March 7, 2022 | February 1–February 28 |
5 | April 7, 2022 | March 1–March 31 |
6 | May 6, 2022 | April 1, 2022–April 30, 2022 |
* Your final disclosure statement is due within 5 business days of termination of the TIE, regardless when the next scheduled disclosure statement is due, and ends your TIE’s filing obligations with the CFB. However, do not close your TIE bank account until notified to do so by the CFB.